I'm pleased to welcome contemporary romance author, Mishael Austin Witty today. And she's having a giveaway! Please leave a comment with your contact information at the end of the post, and you'll be entered in a drawing for an e-book version of her book, BELIEVE IN ME.
Mishael, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about the person behind the pen.
Mishael, please introduce yourself. Tell us a little about the person behind the pen.
Do I have to? Ugh. This is always one of the hardest
questions for a writer to answer (or is it just me?). There’s so much to
say…Where do I start?
I’m a wife and a mother of two little girls. I also have two
female feline fur babies who always like to sit next to (or on top of) the
laptop while I’m trying to write.
I’m Kentucky-born and bred, but I’ve never been to an actual
Derby (although I have been to a couple of horse races at Churchill Downs). I
DO know all the words to “My Old Kentucky Home” (both the PC and the non-PC
version), and I’ve always had a bit of a crush on Stephen Foster, the man who
wrote the song.
I love this state, even if it didn’t officially choose sides
in the War Between the States. I personally have to side with the North, since
my great-great-great-grandfather, Nat Austin, was gunned down by Confederate
soldiers (and he wasn’t even a soldier himself. He was a blacksmith in
Tompkinsville, Monroe County).
I’m an amateur genealogist, I make my own jewelry, and I’m a
Christ follower who is fascinated by all things spiritual.
Why did you decide to write contemporary romance? What is the appeal?
I first got the idea for this novella when I decided to
answer an open call for submissions for a collection of Christmas novellas by
Entangled Publishing. The task was to come up with a title by using a lyric
from the song “Santa Baby”, so I used the line, “let’s see if you believe in
me” to come up with the title BELIEVE IN ME. From the title, I had to come up
with the story idea. What would make someone feel like they had to say that to
someone else? There obviously had to be a break in the relationship somewhere,
so the story idea was born.
I’d really never written a romance before, but I thought it
might be fun to try. I’m a psychologist by training, so I love looking into
people’s minds, behaviors, and relationships. And, since romance is all about
relationship, the genre seemed like a natural fit for me. It was so much fun to
write this story – to get to know all the characters and see how their
relationships and conflicts all played out.
How much research goes into your books, and how do you tackle that?
For most of my books so far (BELIEVE IN ME and my first,
SHADOWS OF THINGS TO COME), there hasn’t been a lot I’ve needed to research.
For my zombie fairy tale, CAMPANULA (also available on Amazon), I needed to
research herbs and their effects. Google and Wikipedia basically told me
everything I needed to know about that.
For my upcoming historical novel, THE FADING SUN, I had to
research a lot – what foods people in the Civil War era ate, how they dressed,
etc. I wanted to really get in there and set the scenes authentically. Since
the story is a fictional account based on the actual story of Nat Austin’s
killing and the life of his widow, Jane, following his death, I used a lot of
details gleaned from my genealogy research to fill in the character details,
including ages, dates of births, marriages, number of children, etc.
Also, I wanted to include local reactions to the major
historical events that were occurring at the time, since there were so many
social and political changes taking place. I used local historical papers (as
local as I could get, anyway. I tried to stick with Kentucky) for this,
accessed via the Louisville Free Public Library’s website. They have an awesome
collection, and you can search for any date you want. So many fascinating story
ideas in those pages too. I’ve gained several ideas for more historical fiction
stories. I can’t wait to write them!
What is the best comment you ever received from a reader? The worst or
The best comment I ever received from a reader was that
BELIEVE IN ME reminded her of a Debbie Macomber Christmas romance, with
“tension, romance, and characters that are warm and believable”. I hadn’t yet made the connection between my
book and Debbie Macomber’s books (although I have read several), and that “ah
ha!” moment was priceless! Especially since it came from a reader.
The worst comment I’ve received from someone so far on this
book was that it ruined her afternoon (and yet she kept reading to the end,
even after she knew she didn’t like it). Here’s a particularly scathing quote:
“The heroine was stupid, stupid, stupid. I couldn't believe her actions. Her
mother, her mother's best friend, the stupid jerk from high school (10 yrs.
ago) that was her sweetheart then, you name it. All just dumb. Even the
dialogue was bad.”
And, for the weird? This one takes the cake: “Moved very
quickly. Good character's [sic], Hyatt needed a little more fleshing out. Loved
Mon and Mom. Look forward to reading another book with more meat to it.” These
aren’t even my characters (with the exception of “Mom”). Was this person even
actually reading my book? Very curious!
Still, I love hearing from readers – the good, the bad, and
the odd. It’s encouraging to know that you’re not just writing into a vacuum.
Someone is actually reading what you’re putting out there. It may not be their
cup of tea, but at least they read it…and your writing caused enough emotional
reaction in them to make them want to comment on it. That’s the best part (for
me) of being a writer – making people feel something.
Tell us a little about your writing style? Do you plan and plot your
stories, or do you just plow through them?
I always have to have some sort of plan before I begin
writing anything; otherwise, the story doesn’t get written. If I don’t have any
of idea of where I’m going, then I won’t even start.
I don’t, however, plot every detail. I tried that once with
a historical novel that never got written because I wrote basically everything
that happened down in my outline summary. When it came time to actually write
the thing, I found that I’d outlined the excitement right out of the story. I
was no longer interested in writing it. I may go back to it at some point. It’s
been several years since I started it and gave it up. But, for right now, there
are other tales to tell.
Can you tell us a little about your current work, BELIEVE IN ME? Is
there a story behind the story?
There is definitely a story behind the story. As I mentioned
before, I began writing the story in response to a call for submissions.
Entangled Publishing didn’t want it. They said the story was good; it just
wasn’t for them. So, since I’d already self-published one book, SHADOWS OF
THINGS TO COME, I thought I’d try to self-publish this one, as well.
The underlying theme of this story is real, self-sacrificial
love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. BELIEVE IN ME shows the magic that can
occur when two people realize that they both played a part in making a bad
situation worse, but they can both change their attitudes and turn things
around to make it right again. I
published an article on my website that describes this in more detail. You can
find that here: http://wp.me/p2r9mT-cJ.
What sets your heroine, Trina, apart from all the other women in your
hero’s, Walt’s, life? Why is she perfect for him?
Trina is the only woman that Walt ever truly loved. She was
the first woman he had sex with, and is really the only woman that he ever
wants to be with physically. The thought of having sex with another woman has
just never entered Walt’s mind ever since he met Trina in college.
She is stubborn, and sometimes childish, but so is Walt, and
he acknowledges that. She brings out the best in him, in ways that he never
thought possible. He never thought anyone could love him, with all his
imperfections and insecurities, but Trina does, and Walt loves her because of
There’s not any one thing that separates Trina from all
other women in Walt’s life. Everything about her sets her apart. She IS the
only woman in Walt’s life, as far as he is concerned, and he’s determined to
prove that to her.
Have you ever had writer’s block? How do you deal with it?
Ha! It seems that I, literally, go through this on a weekly,
if not almost daily, basis. During these times, I’ll read…and, quite often,
reading what other people write gives me the motivation to write my own stuff.
Not that I think I can necessarily do it better than whatever author I happen
to be reading at the moment (although sometimes that is the case), but
mostly…it’s just that I’ll get a spark of an idea from reading someone else’s
work, and then I can take that idea and make it my own.
I also once read a fabulous tip from Janet Burroway’s book, WRITING
FICTION: GUIDE TO NARRATIVE CRAFT, about a writing technique called clustering.
Actually, I think it’s more than a writing technique, but it works great for
writers too. Basically, you just pick one word at random (you’ll probably need
a hard copy of a book for this), try to think of as many other words as you
can, build a story idea from that, and just write for 15 minutes. I wrote an
article about one experience I had with clustering (and the end result). You
can read that here: http://hub.me/a7Xzj.
Can you give us a little background on your hero, Walt, that’s only in
your author notes, and not found in your story? What inspired you to create
this character?
Yes. I definitely can.
Walt’s a largely misunderstood character (at least by the
MC, Trina), and he has a fascinating background that doesn’t really come out at
all in BELIEVE IN ME, but I’m thinking of developing an entire prequel based on
Walt and his relationship with his mother…and how that nearly prevented his
marriage to Trina. Walt and Trina never really have had an easy road. Poor
That storyline does hit a little close to home for me, since
my relationship with my own mother is so strained, and she was against me
marrying my husband from the very beginning. But I did it, anyway, and it was
one of the smartest decisions I ever made. He’s just perfect for me – and, as I
said before, I think that Walt and Trina are perfect for each other, but they
have a hard time figuring it out sometimes. So, basically, real life inspired
me to create these characters.
Describe a favorite scene in BELIEVE IN ME?
I really love the last scene. I don’t want to spoil it for
anyone who hasn’t read it yet by giving too much away, but I think it’s really
sweet how it ties everything together in a refreshingly romantic way. Since
this was the first time I’d ever tried my hand at writing a romance, I’m
especially proud of it.
I did have a little help, though, from some awesome beta
readers who are more avid romance fans than I am! I’m sure I couldn’t have done
half as well without them.
What else do you have in store for your readers?
First, I want to mention that the Kindle version of BELIEVE
IN ME is on sale for 99 cents through the rest of this month (through July 31).
After that, it goes back to its regular price of $2.99.
Also, I have a historical fiction/romance book coming out
soon, which will probably appeal to at least some of the same readers who like
BELIEVE IN ME. It’s about how a Civil War widow copes with the loss of her
husband…and falls in love with his boyhood friend. This is loosely based on the
aforementioned true story of the shooting of my great-great-great-grandfather
and the aftermath for the family he left behind. It doesn’t have an HEA – at
least not yet. This book, THE FADING SUN, is the first in the Sunset’s Hope
trilogy, and the series does end happily!
Oh, and be sure to look for my upcoming (January 31, 2014)
story, “Protecting Zoe”, in Kathi Macias’s
Twelve Days of Christmas series, from Helping Hands Press. The first
story in that series (from Kathi herself) comes out in mid-August, and it’s a
good one!

For the past year, twenty-something radio producer Trina Gray has been focusing
on her career and trying to forget that her once idyllic marriage is soon
coming to a heartbreaking end. Almost a year ago to the day, Trina caught her
husband, Walt, kissing her sister in her mother's kitchen under the mistletoe.
But it's Christmas time again, and Trina feels the familial pressure to
return to the nest for the annual holiday celebrations. It's only for a week.
Surely she can tolerate being in the same house with her sister for that long.
What she doesn't bargain for, though, is that her mother has invited Walt to
stay with the family for the holiday season, as well.
Walt's presence sends Trina running to her old friend, Mim's, bed and
breakfast, where she runs into her high school boyfriend, Kurt. Trina quickly
realizes the attraction is still strong between them, and the temptation to be
with him is stronger still, even if he is only looking for a one-night stand.
But, as Trina discovers, Walt's not willing to give up without a fight this
Will Trina and Kurt rekindle their juvenile romance? Or will she repair her
relationship with Walt? Who can she believe in?
Buy on Amazon: amzn.to/NotU7A
Connect with Mishael Austin
Witty online